Monday, April 20, 2009

Having the Right Mindset!

I was reading an article in the New York Times about a commercial entitled, "Gathering Storm". It is trying to alert us to the fact that there is a national movement trying to force education that includes defining gay marriage as a normal part of our culture. It intimates that basic freedoms would be lost and proponents are trying to shut down faith based movements that might not want to help gay or lesbian couples with access to their services.

I think it is important to remember that first of all, we as followers of the way, do not get involved in politics and sometimes I think we can wander over into a political area because of what we believe.

We need to remember that gays and lesbians are a part of our culture and as citizens have the same rights as others do. We should be glad that they do have the same rights as others because that helps protect our rights as well.

There are a lot of Churches getting involved in so many causes these days on both sides of the spectrum and we must realize that isn't our job as followers of the way. When asked about our belief in this area we should answer truthfully and list the source of our statement as that of the Bible. We should realize that the ways that we follow and the world's ways do not mix and anytime that we try to mix them, a solution is not to be found -- it's like oil and water, they don't mix well.

You can read about one side of the argument in The Times. You can also view the video on Youtube.

As I have said before, we can do so much for the way of life that we should be living by how we actually live that life. People do notice! We have come through the last days looking inside of ourselves in order to get rid of things that can give us trouble if we let them stay in our minds and hearts. Left unattended, actions and reactions can really get us off base and we need to get on track again. Remember to keep the right perspective in all areas of our lives and not react in a way that show those around us that we are still a part of the world.

We can operate a lot better if we keep our physical and mental practices clear and organized. You can read about that in Kevin Eikenberry's blog.

Let's remember to clean our habits and thinking up according to the way to which we have been called. We must treat those around us with respect and kindness and give a answer for the reason why we are different to those who ask.

Until next time,

Jerry de Gier

1 comment:

  1. Well said Jerry. I totally agree. In the past I was more involved in politics, but I realized that it was a distraction from what I really needed to be doing, which was studying my bible and getting closer to God. Now I steer clear of politics and political conversations.
