Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Balance -- Essential for our well-being!

I was with someone yesterday who has terminal cancer and while it was good to be with this person I was amazed at the support and the dedication of the immediate family. It is good to have friends and family at the end of our lives!

It seems that having a circle of friends is important more than just at the end of our lives, as well. Research shows that having a circle of friends actually helps us live longer, stay healthier and live a less stressful life.

While having a spouse can be beneficial to our well-being, having a circle of friends cuts through the singles stigma by giving this benefit to those who haven't married or have chosen not to marry. It shows the importance of being interdependent in our relationships with each other. Interdependence is the balance that brings people together in a healthy vibrant relationship. Tara Parker-Pope writes about the right balance of friends.

Just as we need interdependence in our relationships with people, we also need interdependence with the earth that we use to sustain ourselves. Gina Stepp writes how the earth that we call home needs to be treated as a valuable partner in order for continued harmonic sustenance to happen. Stepp points to the mindset that human beings employ as the problem with the unbalance that exists between mankind and nature.

Stepp shows this mindset as a cause for the challenges that beset many areas of the world where we see hunger, strife, envy and greed playing a part in human suffering. Identity also plays a big part in the human worldview that prevents change and harmony. You can read about it on the website.

Balance in all of our relationships brings fullness and peace to our lives in a way that should push out selfishness and apathy. We should realize that a balanced mindset propels us forward to healthy, vibrant relationships that are a well source for a long and peaceful life. Lady Davinci's Salon interviewed Natalie Gahrmann in 2006 about achieving balance in our lives. It's worth taking a second look at it!

Until next time,

Jerry de Gier

Monday, April 20, 2009

Having the Right Mindset!

I was reading an article in the New York Times about a commercial entitled, "Gathering Storm". It is trying to alert us to the fact that there is a national movement trying to force education that includes defining gay marriage as a normal part of our culture. It intimates that basic freedoms would be lost and proponents are trying to shut down faith based movements that might not want to help gay or lesbian couples with access to their services.

I think it is important to remember that first of all, we as followers of the way, do not get involved in politics and sometimes I think we can wander over into a political area because of what we believe.

We need to remember that gays and lesbians are a part of our culture and as citizens have the same rights as others do. We should be glad that they do have the same rights as others because that helps protect our rights as well.

There are a lot of Churches getting involved in so many causes these days on both sides of the spectrum and we must realize that isn't our job as followers of the way. When asked about our belief in this area we should answer truthfully and list the source of our statement as that of the Bible. We should realize that the ways that we follow and the world's ways do not mix and anytime that we try to mix them, a solution is not to be found -- it's like oil and water, they don't mix well.

You can read about one side of the argument in The Times. You can also view the video on Youtube.

As I have said before, we can do so much for the way of life that we should be living by how we actually live that life. People do notice! We have come through the last days looking inside of ourselves in order to get rid of things that can give us trouble if we let them stay in our minds and hearts. Left unattended, actions and reactions can really get us off base and we need to get on track again. Remember to keep the right perspective in all areas of our lives and not react in a way that show those around us that we are still a part of the world.

We can operate a lot better if we keep our physical and mental practices clear and organized. You can read about that in Kevin Eikenberry's blog.

Let's remember to clean our habits and thinking up according to the way to which we have been called. We must treat those around us with respect and kindness and give a answer for the reason why we are different to those who ask.

Until next time,

Jerry de Gier

Monday, April 13, 2009

Some thoughts about the YASW and other things

Hello to everyone! I am just trying to get caught up with office work and reflecting on the 2009 Young Adult Spring Weekend. What a great weekend! We were able to assemble in a peaceful setting and disseminate a lot of incredible information. Information that will help the young adults move forward in their relationship with each other and most importantly with God and Jesus Christ.

It was so peaceful at Camp Oliver and I am reminded of the contrast between that environment and what is in the world. I read in the NY Times this morning that Capt. Richard Phillips of the ship, Maersk Alabama, was rescued by navy seals. The navy seals killed the pirates that held the captain at gun point and freed him quickly after that.

It is interesting to note that the Somali pirates are now vowing violence against all American shipping, stating it will be the Americans that will be filled with sorrow very soon. Read NY Times Article.

Very few people realize that peace doesn't come from violence. We continue to act aggressively hoping that will help deter violence in the world and it doesn't. The young adults learned that there is a different way to live that brings peace. It will be a nice day when everyone has that information.

The last of the young adults are leaving this morning on their way back home and I thought you might want to watch a video of part of the presentation that Peter Nathan gave during the seminar. By the way, Mr. Nathan is planning on putting much of this information on the internet at some point - I'll let you know where you can find it when he does. If you have any questions be sure to let me know and I'll answer any questions that I can.

Until next time,

Jerry de Gier

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hello everyone! We had a wonderful day yesterday. We had a late brunch and a sing-a-long where we encouraged all the men to try their hand at song leading......with encouraging but varying results!

We had an excellent brunch and then on to Sabbath services with an excellent dinner and dance to close out the evening.

Some of us enjoyed a walk to the top of Mt. Oliver and were able to see the surrounding area -- what a beautiful view! Camp Oliver is nestled in a little valley that is at about 3200 feet above sea level and it provides such a beautiful backdrop for the Young Adult Weekend and the information that is being presented. The young adults are already asking is this can be an annual event.

Mike Elliott gave the sermonette yesterday and talked about the blessing of being in the Church as a 2nd generation follower of God. He related how God had blessed him with the opportunities to travel and own a business and also how what he had been taught was able to keep him on the path he needed to stay on even when trials and tests occurred.

I talked about how skeptical the world is and how that can creep into our thinking in regards to God's word. Do we believe the promises of God and does our life reflect that type of belief and faith?

We are going to finish up today with the last three hours of the seminar and then we have to be off to the airport to take some of the East Coast young adults to catch their flights. It will be a bit sad to have this come to an end.

It is interesting to read the news and see all the chaos and confusion in the world and then see how intent these young adults are on learning God's way of life. What a contrast! It will be interesting to see how they use this information to fortify themselves in a very skeptical world.

Until next time,

Jerry de Gier

Friday, April 10, 2009

2009 Young Adult Spring Weekend

Hello from Camp Oliver! Thirty-five young adults and eight staff members are working together to make this a memorable Young Adult Spring Weekend. We have people who have traveled from the East Coast, Ohio, South Dakota, Arizona and California to be at this event and it seems like it is going well.

Mr. Peter Nathan is leading the discussion about where the different types of texts that make up different translations come from. He is explaining the way different Bibles were canonized. It has led to some very interesting discussions between the Young Adults. Mr. Nathan hopes to make his presentation available on the Church website in the future.

Mr. Nathan said that we must show those around us who we belong to by the way we live our lives. It is not possible from biblical archaeological to prove the existence of God or even some of tenets that we find in the Bible but we can prove it through spiritual revelation. We live by faith!

I wonder how many of do that? What does it take in our lives to make us realize that we must move forward not necessarily by a way of sight but by how our Creator works with us and motivates us through his spirit. How in tune are we with that?

By the way, it is really raining here in San Diego County! We have to stay dry running between the buildings and look forward to hot chocolate and coffee and warm fires. It is definitely worth the trouble to see the young people enjoying themselves and learning so much good information.

Until next time,

Jerry de Gier

Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Very Special Evening!

Hello everyone! I hope that everyone had a great NTBMO with its deep meaning and of course the meal that goes along with it.

One of the things that was on my mind was that we need to celebrate the NTBMO because it shows God that we are responding to his call to come out of a worldly mindset and start or continue a journey that leads to his Kingdom. NTBMO starts this journey after we commit to a relationship with our Creator through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ symbolized by taking the Passover.

Many years the NTBMO was just a meal with family members and sometimes a lot of non-Church member were there as well. It is the beginning of the 1st Day of UB and we should be careful who we invite to this special meal. We should not be afraid to talk about what this special evening means to us. In that way non-members might feel uncomfortable talking about what this evening means to us as followers of the way. We should remember this for all future Holy Days.

I received an email advertisement from the History Channel this morning as well. It shows short clips explaining the Easter tradition. It wasn't very factual but it gave me some ideas for what we can do on the website. History Channel - Easter

I am leaving tonight for the Young Adult Spring Weekend at Camp Oliver outside San Diego. We have about 35 young adults plus staff at the weekend. I'm looking forward to help train the next generation of leaders in the Church.

Until next time,

Jerry de Gier

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Welcome to my new blog!

Hi everyone! I have started this blog to put together a few thoughts and also to alert those in my sphere of influence about different events, activities and news that might be important to you.

We've just taken the Passover and rehearsed its deep meaning for us and I hope that we all take this time of the year seriously in that we try to fix the relationships that need to be fixed - we don't just talk about it. I am committed to that myself however imperfectly I may try to do it.

I have been thinking about how our conduct, demeanor and actions affect others so much and what comes out of our mouths sometimes doesn't show that we live a life filled with character and dignity. I struggle in that area as well.

I hope that tonight's celebration into a new way of thinking will propel us into a clearer and more determined mindset as we navigate the days ahead of us.

Some activities that I will be attending:

Young Adult Spring Weekend near San Diego - April 9-12
Western US Teen Camp near Portland, OR - July 9-19

In a recent blog, Kevin Eikenberry talks about leadership in a way that make me think about how you and I can help others commit to worthy goals and causes. Can we take the time to do that? Are we willing, in a right way, to influence others to think about more than themselves? Our conduct obviously goes a long way to help set the right tone. See Remarkable Leadership.

Keep an eye on this blog and I'll post other items that can help you make sense out of our responsibility to each other.

Until next time,

Jerry de Gier